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If you are like most people, working with a professional coach is a mystery as to how it works and what you can expect. We have included some of the most frequently asked questions about coaching and what it means to engage a coach to help you create the life of your dreams.

I am thinking about working with a life coach. How do I start?
As you are on the On Track Success Coaching website, you already are heading down the right path. Educate yourself via Google searches on coaching. Narrow your selection of coaches down to two or three coaches you feel have the experience and credentials to help you. Take advantage of their free consultations. It won't take long to know if the person is a right fit for your specific "what's next for you" life situation.
What are the differences between a coach, consultant, and therapist?
A therapist focuses on the past and delves into psychological issues that require specialized training in dealing with trauma or mental health issues.
A consultant is typically an expert in a specific industry or business sector. For example a marketing consultant might answer your branding questions and even implement specific tactics for you.
A coach has specialized knowledge on how to help clients focus on the future. They serve as a sounding board for you to define your wants and desires. With a coach as your accountability partner, you discover your passion, values, and strengths and create your best life.
Is it important to work with a certified coach?
Yes. It is very important. Make sure your coach has received training from an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited organization. Kathy Nelson, Founder of On Track Success Coaching was one of the first to train with and serve as an ICF certified coach in 1996. Review Kathy Nelson and Angie Swartz' many credentials at this link.
What does working with a coach look like?
At On Track Success Coaching, you start with scheduling a free 30-minute consultation. During this call, it is determined whether Kathy or Angie are a good fit for your specific life, business, or spiritual coaching experience. Most clients schedule 60-90 minute weekly coaching sessions. Clients typically hire a coach for six to 12 months with some On Track clients staying on for more than 20 years. Fees are based on the program you discuss during your free consultation. There are no long-term contracts and no guarantees.
What results can I expect to achieve?
Because everyone's situation is unique, please take a moment to to review our testimonials at this link. It will give you a glimpse of how people have dramatically changed their lives through coaching with On Track. At the onset, you define the goals you want to achieve. Your results depend on your commitment and your interest in being open to new ways of thinking, acting, and relating to life and its ups and downs.
Is my privacy protected with a coach?
When you hire a certified coach, you can rest assure that all verbal and written information exchanged with your coach is totally confidential. Privacy is of paramount importance. Clients need to know they are in a safe space for their coaching sessions.
If you have questions not answered here, please email or call us at (858) 481-6747.